Anna Brandt

Global Talent Acquisition Coordinator - TomTom

Anna Brandt

Anna Brandt is Global Talent Acquisition Coordinator bij TomTom.

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Based in TomTom's HQ in Amsterdam, I'm part of the Human Resources department and Coordinate the Global Talent Team ( current existing of 8 people).

As a Global TA Coordinator I am responsible for coordinating all Talent Acquisition, Talent Management and Employer Brand activities and projects within TomTom; this involves end- to- end Global TA advice, Talent identification & Development, Succession Planning, creation and implementation of (young) Talent Programs and event management.

Our Talent Team is always looking for talented people, so if you would like to help us further position ourselves as the authority in location and navigation solutions, please check out our website for our great opportunities.

Specialties: 7+ year experience in Global Talent Acquisition & Management, Creation and Implementation of ( young) talent programs, General HR, Employer Branding, Performance Management, Employee Engagement, Dutch Employment Law.

Bron: LinkedIn-profiel Anna Brandt

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