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Happiness, growth, and wellbeing in the intercultural workplace: a personalized strategy


Being “a professional ‘who is from elsewhere,’ or who is seen as such” automatically means that you are dealing with an extra layer of workplace challenges on top of those that everyone else is facing.  

Working as an expat, an international, a professional with a migration background, or a Global South professional working in a Western Context can feel incredibly overwhelming and stressful. You might find yourself missing out on important opportunities or unable to achieve your goals despite your hard work and qualifications.

In this workshop you will get 7 practical and mental strategies from a professional that you can use to help yourself take charge of your intercultural workplace happiness, growth, and wellbeing.

Gain a better understanding and appreciation of the uniqueness of your context, learn from real life examples of others who have been in your shoes, and define your own lifelong strategy that fits your personal situation.



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- Zaal 9

RAI Amsterdam
Europaplein 22


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